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Best Kratom Blends to Try

Kratom Blends

Disclaimer: All claims are 100% anecdotal. They stem from personal experiences, not factual evidence. 

There are three primary kratom strains: white, green, and red vein kratom. These strains depend on the maturity of the kratom leaves. Based on the maturity upon harvesting, the leaves’ veins obtain white, green, or red color.

Leaves with white veins are young and have a unique alkaloid composition that gives stimulant effects. More mature leaves have green veins. These veins combine the properties of both white and red vein leaves and are often associated with mood uplift and euphoric feelings. Fully mature leaves have red veins. These leaves have stronger alkaloid composition; therefore, the leaves have greater sedative effects.

Why Mix Kratom Strains?

Kratom benefits come from its alkaloids. The plant contains over 25 known alkaloids of which mitragynine and 7-hydroxy mitragynine are the most potent ones. Thanks to the alkaloid composition, kratom is said to be able to reduce soreness, relieve stress, and promote mood enhancement.

Now, all kratom strains have unique alkaloid profiles. This means that they will elicit different effects. But if you’re a more experienced kratom user, you can try and customize your experience by mixing different kratom strains, catered to your specific needs. Mixing kratom strains can not only provide a more unique experience but also potentiate the effects.

Before we dive into it, you should keep in mind that preparing kratom blends is a process that requires trial and error. You’ll need to experiment to find what works for you.

What to Know Before Mixing Kratom Strains

The most important thing to know is that the kratom effect depends on the strain used. Some external factors can influence the effect of kratom strains. For one, the area of origin and the method of processing are two main factors that can impact the kratom effect.

Is It Safe to Mix Kratom Strains?

Mixing kratom strains is safe. But, as with anything kratom-related, you need to be cautious and moderate. You shouldn’t use kratom blends without pause. When you’re using kratom blends, take them separately from the standard kratom dose; otherwise, you’re risking over-ingestion which, again, could lead to experiencing some unwanted effects.

When using only one type of strain for a prolonged period, you might develop tolerance. What’s good with kratom blends is that they can be used to break the cycle form using the same strain. Instead of increasing the dose, you can change things up and mix different kratom strains. You’ll be able to enjoy the desired result but with a low dose. Controlling your kratom tolerance is not only beneficial to your health but it’s also more cost-effective in the long run.

How to Mix Kratom Strains

As we said, mixing kratom strains will include a lot of trial and error. It’s important to be patient and mix the strains in low doses. If you need to increase the dose, do it incrementally. Throughout the process, monitor how your body and mind respond to the new blends.

There are several ways in which you can mix kratom strains. First, you can mix kratom from the same strain family but with different vein colors. Consider mixing Red Maeng Da and White Maeng Da, for example.

Another option is to mix kratom from different strain families and different vein colors. A good example is Red Bali and White Maeng Da.

The third option is to blend kratom with the same vain colors but different strain families like Red Maeng Da and Green Malay.

What Are the Best Kratom Blends To Try

The best kratom blends vary depending on the individual need and preferences. To know where to start, you need to consider what you’re looking to achieve.

If you want to potentiate some specific kratom effects, you should mix kratom from different strain families but with the same vein leaves. For example, combining different strains of red kratom will likely produce more pronounced ache-relieving and relaxing effects. Similarly, mixing two strains of white vein kratom will likely produce more intense stimulation.

If your goal is to create a multifaceted blend, you should mix different kratom vein colors from different strain families. For example, mixing Red Bali, Green Malay, and White Maeng Da is likely to produce an all-encompassing blend that would elicit pain-relieving, mood-boosting, and stimulating effects.

How to Safely Blend Kratom Strains

When blending kratom strains, consumers usually use green vein kratom type with either red or white vein kratom. The reason behind this is the mild and balancing effects of the green vein kratom.

If you mix green and red vein kratom powder, you’re likely to experience pain relief and relaxation feelings. Combining white and green vein kratom will likely provide more balanced stimulating effects.

Mixing red and white vein kratom is less common because both strains have high potency and generally produce opposite effects. Of course, there are exceptions to this rule as some consumers combine red and white vein kratom when in need of more intense discomfort relief or extra energy. In such a case, you should mix one part of white vein kratom with two parts of red vein kratom.

Top Kratom Blends According to the Desired Effects

As we said, before blending kratom strains, you need to determine what effects do you want to achieve. Below, we’re providing some simple guidelines regarding the best blends for eliciting specific effects.

Best Kratom Blends for Euphoria

If you’re looking to get the best combination for euphoria, try mixing three parts of Green Maeng Da with one part of Red Bali. This combination is likely to effectively potentiate the euphoric effects but, at the same, time provide a balanced sense of relaxation.

Bets Kratom Blends for Relief

Mixing one part of Green Malay with five parts Red Bali is likely to relieve the soreness but without making you feel drowsy. However; it will give you an energy kick. Make sure to only go for low doses with this blend as Green Malay has a strong sedating effect when used at large doses. If you’re finding Green Malay to sedating for your needs, you can try blending one part White Maeng Da with two parts of Red Bali.

Best Kratom Blends for Relaxation

If your goal is to achieve a unique relaxation sensation, combine two parts of Green Malay kratom with one part White Maeng Da. This blend is likely to produce a sense of deep relaxation. It can potentially be used for relieving stress and managing anxiety.

Best Kratom Blends for Energy Boost

Mixing White Maeng Da and Green Malay in a 2:1 ratio can help you experience an energy kick but also relax and sharpen the mental focus. If you need an extra energy kick, consider mixing one part of White Maeng Da with two parts of Red Maeng Da. These blends are best for daytime use, preferably in the morning.

Kratom Powder, Stem, and Vein Combination

This isn’t as popular a method of blending kratom as the above-mentioned, but it’s considered to be very effective. The vein and stem of the kratom plant don’t have the same alkaloid concentration as the leaf but they have unique properties that make them suitable for preparing blends. Usually, users combine the stem and vein with their favorite strain to enhance the effects and prolong their duration. For example, some users mix the vein and stem with white vein kratom to enhance the stimulating effects, whereas others mix them with red to produce greater ache-relieving effects

How to Mix Kratom at Home

To prepare the best blend at home, you need to know what are the best strains for you. If you’re a beginner, our recommendation is to start with a blend of red and white kratom strain. If you’re a more experienced kratom user or an avid kratom enthusiast, you can experiment more.

Once you choose the strains you’ll be using, you will need to measure the dose. When blending strains, the split is often 60-40 so that one strain is prevalent over the other. If you want an equal combination, go for a 50-50 split.

The next step is to blend the strains. It’s best if you mix the powders in a bowl using a whisk.

The final step is to ingest the blend. You can use the standard kratom methods like toss and wash or prepare a tea. Another option is to just add the blend into your favorite food or drink.

Final Thoughts

When considering which kratom strains to mix, keep in mind that the same blend might have different effects on different people. In the blending process you must know the different properties of kratom strains and the effects they tend to produce. Additionally, make sure to start with small doses and avoid mixing more than two strains, at least at the beginning. Monitor how your body and mind react and, if needed, increase the dosage incrementally. Most importantly, choose a trusted and reputable kratom vendor to be sure you’re using premium quality products.

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