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A Detailed Guide to Kratom Strains

A Detailed Guide to Kratom Strains

Disclaimer: All claims are 100% anecdotal. They stem from personal experiences, not factual evidence. 

Kratom is derived from Mitragyna speciosa, a tree that belongs to the coffee family. This evergreen tropical tree is native to Southeast Asia where people have been using it for medical purposes since at least the 19th century. Kratom is now a popular supplement in the Western market, attracting a lot of attention due to the potential benefits it offers.

What Are the Different Kratom Types?

If you’re new to the kratom world, you’ve probably heard about the different kratom strains. Kratom leaves can have different sizes and different green colors. However, there are green, white, and red strains. What does that mean?

The colors refer to the leaf’s vein color. The vein color indicates the leaf’s maturity level. Young leaves have white veins, more mature adopt green veins, and fully mature leaves have red vein color. Depending on the stage in which the leaf is harvested, the kratom strain will contain a unique alkaloid composition and, therefore deliver different effects. Other factors like the amount of sunlight and weather conditions can also influence alkaloid development.

The Three Main Kratom Strains

Understanding the different types of strains and their particular effect is very important so you can choose the right one for you.

Red Vein

Red vein kratom indicates that the leaf has reached full maturity and has been exposed to a great amount of UV light during the drying process. Red vein color leaves have lower mitragynine and high 7-hydroxy mitragynine levels. This makes red vein kratom a potent natural analgesic and sedative. It can also be used for overall body relaxation and managing sleeping disorders. Red vein kratom isn’t used as a stimulant and its effects are quite mellow, which is why many first-time users opt for it.

White Vein Kratom

White vein kratom is made of young kratom leaves which contain a high level of mitragynine and lower levels of 7-hydroxy mitragynine. Usually, the leaves are dried with little or no sunlight exposure. This type of kratom strain is quite intensive and generally not recommended for beginners. Best known for its energizing properties, white vein kratom can be used as a natural stimulant that gives energy kick and keeps you alerted.

Green Vein Kratom

Green vein kratom leaves are harvested in the middle of their growing cycle. Leaves are then dried partially indoors and partially outside exposed to the sun. This kratom type sits in the middle of red and white vein kratom and combines the best of both worlds. Its effects are subtle and it can be used as a mild stimulant. Green vein kratom is often regarded as a subtle energy booster that can give better mental clarity and stamina.

What Is Yellow Kratom?

Yellow kratom strains don’t come from yellow vein kratom leaves. This unique kratom strain requires a distinctive drying process which is most popular in Vietnam and Thailand. The process starts by choosing the leaves with mature or semi-mature alkaloid profiles. Usually, green vein kratom leaves are taken. Then, the leaves are left to dry for several days in direct sunlight.

The chlorophyll will start to break down and the leaves will adopt yellowish color. This specialized variety has a unique alkaloid profile which results in a wide spectrum of effects covered. Depending on the type of yellow kratom, the process might involve leaves of up to 11 different strains

The Regional Kratom Strain Varieties

Besides the main division of kratom strains based on the leaf’s vein color, we recognize different strains based on the region they come from.

Maeng Da

Maeng Da is a high-quality kratom strain originating from rich and warm Thailand. The name is Lao slang which means “pimp grade”, denoting the strain’s high-quality level. The strain is stable and contains high alkaloid levels. This strain is popular among people with demanding mental or physical jobs that require a lot of energy and focus. Maeng Da is said to be used for relieving chronic pain. It’s believed to deliver the desired effect without causing side effects.

Green Maeng Da Kratom

Green Maeng Da kratom is a potent and very popular strain. It’s generally used as a stimulant and has mild pain-relieving properties. Consumers who are looking to achieve the energizing effects of kratom often start with this strain as it has mild potency and serves as a great starting base. Green Maeng Da contains a high alkaloid level which makes it the most powerful variety among the green strains. When taken in low doses, this strain carries a lower risk of side effects.

White Maeng Da

The youngest version of the strain, White Maeng Da kratom is the most stimulating one. It can provide a sustained effect for an extended period and it’s mostly used for an energy boost and mood elevation. White Maeng Da is often considered to be best for daytime use, usually in the mornings, especially when you’re having a busy day ahead.

Anecdotal evidence highlights the strain’s effects in uplifting the mood and making the consumer more talkative and relaxed. Because of this, the strain is a favorite among socially shy people. White Maeng Da is said to effectively reduce anxiety symptoms and help relieve stress.

Red Maeng Da

Red Maeng Da is considered the most potent red vein strain. It contains a high alkaloid concentration and it’s known to produce dast effects. Boosting the energy levels and enhancing motivation are some of the said benefits of Red Maeng Da kratom. The strain is also said to elicit stimulative effects and act as a potent pain killer.

Consumers report this is the most effective strain for suppressing opiate craving, thus aiding the opiate withdrawal symptoms relief. Another popular condition which Red Maeng Da potentially manages is insomnia. At higher yet regulated doses, the strain can effectively regulate the sleep cycle and aid a good night’s sleep.


Originally from the tropical climate in Malaysia, the Malay kratom is a versatile strain that can act as a stimulant and efficient energy booster. At a higher dose, it can deliver sedative effects too. People mostly use the Malay kratom for improving cognitive functions and enhance mental clarity. Some even report it can be beneficial for treating anxiety and reducing stress.

Red Malay is a less popular option that is used as a mild pain reliever. It’s said to have greater relaxation properties. White Malay is the most energetic and can be used to sharpen the focus and improve the mood. Of all Malay strains, the green vein is the most powerful one.

Green Malay Kratom

Sourced from the fertile Malaysian regions, the Green Malay kratom is one of the most popular kratom strains. It combines up to 10 alkaloids and induces long-lasting effects. The Green Malay kratom effects will last longer than any other strain. Newbies should start carefully and take a microdose to avoid eliciting any unpleasant side effects.

Green Malay kratom delivers combined effects. It can be used to relieve joint and muscle pain, boost energy and improve concentration. Usually, people who multitask opt for this kratom strain. On the other hand, Green Malay can be used for managing digestive problems and relieve migraine symptoms. Some anecdotal evidence also points out that this strain could potentially act as an effective antidepressant.


Bali is a widely available strain and usually comes with a cheaper price tag. It grows on the island of Bali and can be quite versatile. Bali kratom can yield a wide spectrum of effects from stimulative and pain-relieving to sedation and anxiety management. You can find Bali kratom in all three colors: white, green, and red but red is the most sought-after.

Red Bali Kratom

Red Bali kratom originates from Bali island. It’s one of the most popular kratom strains with uplifting and mild euphoric effects. It’s said to be the best kratom strain for managing depression and relieving anxiety symptoms. Less often, Red Bali kratom can also be used as an analgesic and potentially help in managing chronic conditions.

Gold Bali

Gold Bali is a unique kratom blend that comes as a result of modifying the natural kratom process. The base of the Gold Bali kratom is a red vein Bali kratom leaf which undergoes a specific drying process. There isn’t scientific evidence that confirms the unique process nor the effects it has on the end-product. Anecdotally, this kratom strain has an enhanced alkaloid composition and as such, is said to offer stronger pain relief properties.


Cultivated in the perfect weather conditions in the Borneo island, the kratom strains from this region contain a high concentration of 7-hydroxy mitragynine. This is one of the most sedating strains which calls for great cautiousness when consuming it. More experienced consumers are using Borneo kratom to relieve anxiety symptoms and deal with insomnia.

Green Borneo

Green Borneo is generally considered to be the stronger version of Green Malay kratom. It’s said to provide energy kick and mild pain relief. The strain is considered to be a great option for curbing opiate cravings, and that’s why it’s popular in opiate addiction treatments.

White Borneo

White Borneo is an extremely powerful strain often used for mental and physical encouragement. Its effects are quite strong and long-lasting. Some consumers have experienced sudden energy boost which then led them to restlessness and sleeplessness. White Borneo can be overwhelming for some users, especially newbies.

Red Borneo

Red Borneo might be a better option for beginners. The strain is also said to be effective in providing pain relief and relaxation but its effects are milder compared to its white counterpart.

Yellow Trainwreck

Yellow Trainwreck is the best-known yellow kratom strain. It’s a unique blend that comprises up to 11 different strains? This means that this strain combines the effects of all strains included, hence the name. Trainwreck kratom is believed to be stronger than Maeng Da and its effects supposedly last for a very long time. It can potentially cover a wide range of conditions which would mean you’d be getting more out of your daily kratom dose.

Which Kratom Is Best for Anxiety?

Numerous strains are believed to help relieve anxiety symptoms and reduce stress. As anecdotal facts show, Red Maeng Da, White Maeng Da, and Green Malay are potentially efficient in anti-anxiety treatments.

Which Is the Best Kratom for Pain Relief?

Red Bali, Red Maeng Da, and Red Borneo are considered to be the top kratom strains for pain relief. These strains have a unique concentration of alkaloids that causes strong analgesic effects and mild sedation. They are said to be very potent in managing chronic conditions and acute pains. At the same time, the red vein strains come with additional benefits like subtle mood improvement and energy boost.

Which Kratom Is Best for Energy?

Thanks to the potent stimulative effects, Red Bali, White Maeng Da, Green Malay, and Red Borneo are the top starting for an energy kick. These strains, especially White Maeng Da, are typically taken in the morning to provide the needed energy boost to get through the day and enhance the mental focus.

What Kratom Is Best for Euphoria?

When taken in moderate doses Green Malay, Red Bali, Green Maeng Da, and White Borneo are said to be helping with achieving more optimistic and euphoric feelings. They can potentially help socially shy people enjoy more in social events and be more talkative. Sedating euphoria is also achievable with these strains when taken in a higher dose.

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